Stress Free Moving


During these unprecedented times, we have a lot on our minds. As you prepare to move into your new homes, here are some tips that can help both ease your mind and add to the enjoyment of your new purchase!

1. Schedule Utilities

Before you move in, confirm the providers in the area for your electricity/gas, water, internet, and any other utilities. Calling in advance allows you to have all your accounts set up and to schedule activation dates that coincide with your big move. TV services and internet will relieve your stress and help to avoid an argument or two!

2. Change your official address with the USPS

 Who wants to miss that postcard for two free weeks in Las Vegas? Seriously, missing your mail can be very frustrating. Before your move-in date, make sure to file for a change of address to ensure your mail is forwarded to your new home. Simply go to your local post office and ask for a mover’s guide packet or you go to  

3. Figure Out How You’ll Control Pests

You may already have an account at your current residence. Transfer it to your new one or figure out how you’ll deal with those potential pests in your new environs. Be proactive!

4. Paint!

If your new home isn’t already situated with your favorite colors, figure out how and when you will paint. Painting at least a day before furniture arrives will save you a lot of headaches.


 You may have done this with design already, but make sure your furniture will fit! Measure each room to know what you have to work with. Be sure to think about pet-proofing and baby/childproofing if needed.

6. Declutter  

This can be your opportunity for a fresh start. Donate unneeded items, such as unwanted clothes, furniture, dishware, or furniture. Why bother to move stuff you don’t need or use?

7. Get the lay of the land 

Living today is all about location, location, location. Whether you’re going across country, across town or across the street, take the time to get to know your neighborhood. You’ll need to figure out where you’ll get gas, groceries and of course Mexican Food!

Practice Makes Perfect

Your preparation will pay off on the big moving day. You’ll be ready to move in and relax, knowing you’ve thought through the process and your internet works! Normandy Homes is here to help in any way!

*Offers, plans, prices, and availability are subject to change without notice. Promotional offer is available on select homes when the purchaser contracts and closes with Normandy Homes’ preferred lender. Offer not valid on contract re-writes, transfers, or for buyers who have had a previously signed contract with Normandy Homes. May not be combined with other offers. See community sales manager for details.