Empowering Women in Homebuilding: Breaking Ground and Stereotypes

March marks a time of celebration for women, with events like International Women’s Day, Women in Construction Week, and Women’s History Month recognizing women’s outstanding achievements and contributions in various fields. In the traditionally male-dominated realm of homebuilding, women are carving out remarkable paths, challenging stereotypes and reshaping the industry landscape.

Join us on a journey through the steps of building a home, highlighting the inspirational roles of women in each of our departments.


Architects, the visionaries behind the blueprints, intricately weave functionality with aesthetics, transcending walls to create living art. Valerie Tang, our CAD Manager, beautifully captures the delicate balance between functionality and aesthetics, stating, “We don’t just design houses; we shape how people experience the essence of home. We find that sweet spot where we can nurture the daily necessities within the home while creating the comfort and joy of a true sanctuary.”

Purchasing & Estimating

Crafting a new home involves the intricate dance of Purchasing and Estimating, demanding unparalleled negotiation skills, attention to detail and strategic thinking. Erin Martin, our Vice President of Purchasing & Estimating, passionately expresses, “I enjoy organizing everything together to build a home for others. From contracting to building all the options that go into a home, it is fulfilling to see it all come together for our homeowners.”


Navigating the permitting process is essential for our communities and homes. Hanna Kobel, our Director of Accounting Operations and permitting expert, skillfully weaves through regulations and guidelines. She not only facilitates construction but embraces the evolving challenges of her role. Hanna shares, “I am faced with new challenges every day in my role. There has not been a day that has gone by that I have not learned something new.”

Finance & Accounting

Accounting professionals serve as the bedrock of financial precision and success throughout construction projects. Alexandra Buckley, Vice President of Accounting, encapsulates this dedication with her guiding principle, “Never stop asking questions – every day is an opportunity to learn something new,” perfectly aligned with the nature of the homebuilding industry. In this ever-evolving landscape, accounting professionals contribute to the financial stability of homebuilding enterprises, driving innovation and growth through continuous learning and adaptation.

Interior Design Visionaries

Creating a harmonious and visually stunning living space is a crucial aspect of homebuilding. Christina Wilcocks, our Director of Design, leads this charge with a keen eye for aesthetics and a passion for transforming houses into personalized homes. Christina shares, “Some of the most memorable moments of our lives happen at home.  Home should be a warm, safe space – it’s where we gather to enjoy all the little and big things in life.  Creating a functional and beautiful environment at home makes our daily lives easier and the memories even more beautiful.”

Sales and Customer Relations

Nancy Scott, our Director of Sales, plays a pivotal role in ensuring seamless communication and collaboration between our sales team and customers. With a focus on exceeding expectations, Nancy ensures that sales decisions align with the company’s broader goals. Her guiding principle, “Do more than what is expected, and you’ll always be recognized,” reflects her commitment to going above and beyond – especially for homeowners.


The Marketing department is an integral piece to Normandy Homes, forging connections with customers, shaping brand identities, and fostering trust. Shelly McCurdy, Director of Marketing, emphasizes, “Marketing is about telling a story, creating connections and building trust.” Through innovative strategies and strategic messaging, marketing educates our buyers, showcases unique selling points and adapts to changing trends to differentiate our homes and communities.

Customer Service

The customer service department supports our homeowners’ needs and maintains our products’ integrity through quality inspections. Deanne Flecker, Community Warranty Manager, is at the forefront of this effort, navigating the complexities of homeowner interactions with empathy and professionalism. Deanne reflects, “Dealing directly with homeowners is satisfying when they express gratitude and appreciation for our homes.”

Property Management

After purchasing a home, homeowners often rely on their Homeowners Association’s performance to maintain the property’s integrity and ensure a comfortable living environment. Tamara Moore, Director of Operations, leads our efforts to create thriving communities where residents feel valued and at home. Tamara emphasizes, “We take pride in the opportunity to serve in the local community and positivity impact the living experience for numerous households.  Homeowners who know they are aligned with a management company that cares and advocates for their values create the framework for thriving communities.”

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, let’s applaud the women in homebuilding who break ground and stereotypes. Their vision, passion and dedication are shaping the future of the industry, proving that excellence knows no gender. Let’s continue empowering women in homebuilding and beyond, ensuring a diverse and thriving industry for generations to come.

*Promotional offers, plans, prices, and availability are subject to change without notice. To qualify for finance incentives, buyer must finance through Normandy Homes’ preferred lender and close with Green Brick Title. Offers not valid on contract re-writes, transfers, or for buyers who have had a previously signed contract with Normandy Homes. Some savings may already be reflected in the lower listed sales price. Buyer may not combine offers listed with other offers published by Normandy Homes. Offers and savings vary by community. Contact Community Sales Manager for details.